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« スペインにおけるホワイトバンド・アクションの様子 | メイン | ネルソン・マンデラ氏のスピーチ:6月11日:全文原文 »




“Today, we live in a world that is divided. A world in which we have made great progress and advances in science and technology.But it is also a world where millions of children die because they have no access to medicines.

We live in a world where knowledge and information have made enormous strides yet millions of children are not in school. It is a world of great promise and hope. It is also a world of despair, disease, and hunger. In less than three weeks time, the leaders of the G8 nations will meet in Scotland. They will face perhaps the most critical question that our world has had to face. How do we remove the face of poverty from our world? So much of our common future will depend on the actions and plans of these leaders. They have an historical opportunity to open the door to hope and the possibility of a better future for all. History and the generations to come will judge our leaders by the decisions they make in the coming weeks.” [See the full speech at www.one.org]
Nelson Mandela, Troms?, Norway, 6/11/05

投稿者 sustena : 2005年07月01日 11:10


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